Flow Staking Contract Reference
The FlowIDTableStaking
contract is the central table that manages staked nodes, delegation and rewards.
Source: FlowIDTableStaking.cdc
Network | Contract Address |
Testnet | 0x9eca2b38b18b5dfe |
Mainnet | 0x8624b52f9ddcd04a |
Getting Staking Info
These scripts are read-only and get info about the current state of the staking contract.
ID | Name | Source |
SC.01 | Get Delegation Cut Percentage | idTableStaking/get_cut_percentage.cdc |
SC.02 | Get Minimum Stake Requirements | idTableStaking/get_stake_requirements.cdc |
SC.03 | Get Total Weekly Reward Payout | idTableStaking/get_weekly_payout.cdc |
SC.04 | Get Current Staked Node Table | idTableStaking/get_current_table.cdc |
SC.05 | Get Proposed Staked Node Table | idTableStaking/get_proposed_table.cdc |
SC.06 | Get Total Flow Staked | idTableStaking/get_total_staked.cdc |
SC.07 | Get Total Flow Staked by Node Type | idTableStaking/get_total_staked_by_type.cdc |
SC.08 | Get All Info about a single NodeID | idTableStaking/get_node_info.cdc |
SC.09 | Get a nodes total Commitment | idTableStaking/get_node_total_commitment.cdc |
SC.10 | Get All Info about a single Delegator | idTableStaking/delegation/get_delegator_info.cdc |
Node Staker Transactions
Please see the Locked Tokens contract for information about staking with locked tokens. Documentation for staking with unlocked tokens will be updated when unlocked tokens are available to stake with.
Delegator Transactions
Please see the Locked Tokens contract for information about delegating with locked tokens. Documentation for delegating with unlocked tokens will be updated when unlocked tokens are available to delegate with.
The FlowIDTableStaking
contract emits an event whenever an important action occurs.
pub event NewNodeCreated(nodeID: String, role: UInt8, amountCommitted: UFix64)
pub event TokensCommitted(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
pub event TokensStaked(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
pub event TokensUnstaking(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
pub event NodeRemovedAndRefunded(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
pub event RewardsPaid(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
pub event UnstakedTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
pub event RewardTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
pub event NewDelegatorCutPercentage(newCutPercentage: UFix64)
pub event NewDelegatorCreated(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32)
pub event DelegatorRewardsPaid(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
pub event DelegatorUnstakedTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
pub event DelegatorRewardTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)